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* March 1st, 2008
NEWS, NEWS! YES! NEW EP ENTITLED ''DILEA'' has been released today. It contains 6 songs. Check album details section on
our page for details.
*February 19th, 2008
Hello maniacs, Just to inform every each and one of you that ON's official page is updated! Some new tracks are added
for download, but also, one new video is added! Check it out!
*February 3rd, 2008
ON's Statement:
''Ispiravanje Mozga'' which is the title of upcoming ON's release will be last effort of ON's musical annihilation. That
album will consist the last opus of ON's most bestial songs ever, and also NKOTB cover version of the song ''Never Gonna Fall
In Love Again''. More infos will come soon.
Best Regards,